Rajja Rani Entire profits will be spent on Social Campaign - Promod Beta -->
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    Rajja Rani Entire profits will be spent on Social Campaign
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    The company, which has received a very positive response from the viewers and critics, started making a wide range of positive feedback from the country and on the basis of the creation of Maithili version of Rajja Rani Nepali and Maithili movies. Bhor Company will spend the entire profits of Rajja Rani Maithili cinema in social campaign. CEO Raj Prasad Mahato, CEO of Bhor Company , said, "We had to serve the society and the nation not only to bring it to the cinema Maithili language, rather than utilizing the profits of the film in our personal work." This thought was born at the time of joining film, Mahato mentioned it today.

    The Rajja Rani Cinema has shown the hope of changing the efforts of the National Campaign, Nepal's efforts as a strong movement for the past 12 years. Rajja Rani  performing good in Bussiness point of view.. Also, the cinematography is rapidly taking place in Bihar, Jharkhand and UP, India. Similarly, the cinema was preparing to showcases in the countries of Qatar, Malaysia, Dubai, America, Britain, Switzerland, Australia, Germany, Norway, and other countries. Also, the task of doing charity shows in various places in the country of Maithili is going on.

    Posted On : January 12, 2018
    Pramod Blog's

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